Calvin Lee went to the Greek island of Lesvos to help refugees landing at night on rafts. Thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq drown every year in the Mediterranean Sea. On First Friday, December 7, Calvin will be showing refugee art in watercolor and oil inspired by his experience. Also on show will be his conceptual sculpture "Life Vests" created with life jackets. People are encouraged to bring their life vests to add to the sculpture. Ninety percent of proceeds from all sales of refugee art, as well as his landscapes, portraits, figures and calligraphy, will be donated to the Rocky Mountain Immigration Advocacy Network, a group of lawyers working pro bono to assist refugees applying for asylum status. Archival prints and original art will be on show priced from $94.00 to $2900.00. People can also visit Rafael Fajardo's adjoining studio and play his "Crosser" video game in which you are a refugee swimming across the Rio Grande River. You succeed if you avoid getting injured by debris and evade the border patrol. Join Calvin for cheese, crackers, grapes and wine.