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Phoenix Dancing ink on red rice paper

Phoenix Dancing ink on red rice paper

Phoenix Dancing, Dragon Flying ink on ri

Phoenix Dancing, Dragon Flying ink on rice paper

Long Life oil on paper canvas

red black jazz ink and watercolor on paper

serving donuts in another universe ii ink on rice paper

Paper Son collage

2016-02-29 19.51.38

Faa----Flower ink on rice paper

decq doi ink on rice paper

Rice ink, watercolor and rice on rice paper

Justice ink on rice paper collection of Ben Sachs

spring, summer, autumn, winter ink on scroll with shaving brush

serving donuts in another universe ink on scroll

loong maa ink on rice paper

Carter Lake Road Asphalt II ink of rice paper

Carter Lake Road Asphalt ink on rice paper


Kokoro----Heart ink on rice paper limited edition print on archival paper framed 17" x 25" $490.00 original not for sale

Universe-One Verse  ink on rice paper

Universe----One Verse ink on rice paper

Spring Summer Autumn Winter  II   grass style  calligraphy on rice paper

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ink on rice paper

Spring Summer  ink on rice paper

Spring, Summer ink on rice paper

Serving Donuts In Another Universe IV  ink and watercolor on paper

Serving Donuts In Another Universe IV ink and watercolor on rice paper

Serving Donuts In Another Universe III ink, watercolor and spray paint on rice paper collection of Thomas Cochran

Mountain Spirit  ink on rice paper

Mountain Spirit ink and watercolor on rice paper

Calvin Lee


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